TOB 4/2016
Ing. Petr Morávek significant anniversary
Zdeněk Zikán
Projection, Theory, Surveys
The influence of extremely rapid changes in the outside air temperature on the inner surface temperature of the external structures of buildings in winter
Jaroslav Řehánek
The paper analyzes the influence of extremely rapid changes in the outside air temperature on the inner surface temperature of the external structures of buildings in winter. It follows from this that the decisive influence pointer while the thermal storage structures.
The effect of local thermal bridges on thermal performance of curtain walling
Roman Jirák, Petr Jaroš
U-value calculation of curtain walling is one from more difficult calculation in the civil engineering. In according to trend of increasing glassing surface of building envelope, the curtain walling has big influence on thermal behaver of buildings. This is why it is necessary to calculate the thermal insulation properties with special attention. This article focuses on influence of different local thermal bridges on curtain walling U-value.
Methods for determining thermal insulation properties of structures with reflective insulations and opportunities for use of the results in the builing practice
Jiří Kalánek, Milan Ostrý, Libor Šteffek
Article discusses computational and experimental procedures for determining thermal insulating properties of reflective insulation and adjacent air layer. Heat transfer by radiation has significant effect for combination of low emissivity surface and air layer. Radiation is affected by absolute temperature and the temperature difference across the air layer.
There have been done several measurements and calculations under certain boundary conditions. These results were implemented into real structure that corresponds to the wall structure of low energy buildings. Obtained thermal properties were the starting point for monitoring of the effect of boundary conditions on insulating properties of selected structure. Light-weight structures to which the reflective insulation most often is applied, have a significantly lower heat storage properties. It is usually solved either by adding heavy-weight structures on the internal side, or directly design of storage walls. There is possibility to apply heat storage layer based on the integrated phase change materials (PCMs) on the internal side of light-weight structures containing reflective insulation.
Realization and Quality of Buildings, their use
Horizontal and vertical flat cavities – possible adjustment to reduce the moisture in the masonry
Michael Balík
The article discusses the use of flat cavities to a partial reduction humidity of masonry for the historical and contemporary examples.
Construction opening panes in a view of energy effective architecture
Kateřina Mertenová, Martin Augustin, Juraj Hazucha
Construction opening panes have a number of functions. Besides room lighting and provision of a visual and operating contact with surroundings, they also provide enough thermo-solar gains in the energy passive house. What is being often underestimated is a fact, that the construction opening panes are the weakest insulation part of the building envelope, where there occur the most heat losses, but also may contribute to overheating of the interior.
Architecture and Energy Savings
Complex renovation of functionalist residential housing with respect to the energy efficiency, internal environment of the building and the preservation vaule of the territory
Martin Augustin
Introducing the ambitious project of a complex renovation of a city block of flats, built in the second half of thirties, with goal of reaching the pre-defined parameters of an energy passive house, relised by the author couple Ing. arch. Martin Augustin, Ph.D., a Ing. Kateřina Mertenová, Ph.D. By doing those repairs, major improvements of operating and space characteristis of the house were reached and also the inernal environment was significantly improved.
Materials and Products for Buildings
TWINNER – insulation that is ahead of its time
Pavel Rydlo
Energy-savings Buildings
Passive house Koberovy – measurement of energy consumptions
Zdeněk Zikán
Short description of realised set of 13 passive houses in the village Koberovy, introduction of the realised measurements of energy consumption in the residential housing during period of 7 years (2009–2015). The particular measurements of energy consumption that is described, is divided in several parts: 1. measurements and evaluation of consumption and gains of energy and microclimate in a single house – two periods of energy consumptions in a single building were compared: a) a period without use of a small heat pump (2009–2012), b) a period with use of a small heat pump (2009–2015); 2. measurements and evaluation of total electricity consumption and elektricity consumption used for heating and warming hot water for all houses and for the monitored house; 3. measurements of photovoltaic systems in the training centre and evaluation of the training centre energy consumption.
Description of results of measurements and some results from the beginning of construction. In one part, this article focuses on involvement of a small heat pump ground-water into the system with implemented solar panels, fireplace and a storage tank, other possibilities of further use of low-potential solar devices are being shown.
Use of a small heat pump ground-water is being described, its benefits and the expected return in the passive house. It is shown how to connect a sub-surface primary circuit of a heat pump in the form of so called „slims“ and temperature measurements of this ground collector.
Info Service
Foreign magazines – selected topics
Information of OZ ZPZ
25 years of buildings’ insulation in Slovakia
Zuzana Sternová